The Center for Disaster Medicine and Traumatology
The Center for Disaster Medicine and Traumatology (KMC) in Linköping, Sweden, is an interdisciplinary research environment that spans over two organizations, Linköping University and Östergötland county council. The academic side of the center is set at the Division of Surgery, Orthopedics and Oncology (KOO) at the Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences at Linköping University. KMC is in parallel an independent center in the county council. Both entities of KMC are co-located and well-integrated in order to enable synergies between education, science and medical emergency incident management.

KMC has a multidisciplinary staff consisting of surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses, counselors, and researchers with experiences from the medical, philosophical and technical faculties. The center has 30 full time employees and contract about 150 experts and support staff every year. KMC has a yearly turnover of about 7 million euro, with most funding coming from external education, consulting, and development projects.