
Katastrofmedicinskt centrum

Kunskapscentrum i traumatologi på uppdrag av Socialstyrelsen


Här samlar vi de senaste vetenskapliga publikationerna från forskare på KMC.


Peer-reviewed Articles

Oliver von Olnhausen, Andreas Wladis and Denise Bäckström.
Incidence and characteristics of prehospital fatalities from haemorrhage in Sweden: A nationwide observational study.
Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med (2024) 32:96

Christie Fritz, Jordan Rudman, Sarah Alice Thomas, Michael McCartin, James Price, Jonathan Shecter, Denise Bäckström, Stephen H. Thomas,
Recent Outcomes Research in Helicopter Emergency Medical Services: A Scoping Review of Publication Year 2023 Additions to the Helicopter Outcomes Assessment Research Database.
Air Medical Journal, 2024, ISSN 1067-991X.

Borgström AM, Bäckström D.
Swedish consensus regarding difficult pre-hospital airway management: a Delphi study.
BMC Emerg Med. 2024 May 27;24(1):88.
DOI: 10.1186/s12873-024-01013-x

Matovu A, Lofgren J, Wladis A, Nordin P, Sandblom G, Pettersson HJ.
Incidence of groin hernia repairs in women and parity: a population based cohort study among women born in Sweden between 1956 and 1983.
Hernia. Published March 23, 2024.

Dillenbeck E, Hollenberg J, Holzer M, Busch HJ, Nichol G, Radsel P, Belohlavec J, Torres EC, López-de-Sa E, Rosell F, Ristagno G, Forsberg S, Annoni F, Svensson L, Jonsson M, Bäckström D, Gellerfors M, Awad A, Taccone FS, Nordberg P.
The design of the PRINCESS 2 trial: A randomized trial to study the impact of ultrafast hypothermia on complete neurologic recovery after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest with initial shockable rhythm.
American Heart Journal. 2024 Feb 26:S0002-8703(24)00047-4.
doi: 10.1016/j.ahj.2024.02.020.

Bäckström D, Alvinius A.
Physicians’ challenges when working in the prehospital environment – a qualitative study using grounded theory.
Int J Emerg Med. 2024 Feb 27;17(1):28.
doi: 10.1186/s12245-024-00599-0.

Shyaka I, Miranda E, Velin L, Mukagaju F, Nezerwa Y, Ntirenganya F, Furaha C, Riviello R, Pompermaier L. Estimating mortality risk in burn patients admitted at Rwanda’s largest referral hospital.
Int J Burns Trauma. 2024 Feb 15;14(1):25-31.
PMID: 38505345.

Conference proceedings

Brodin, W., Jonson, C.-O., & Prytz, E. (2024). The coordination and leadership in first aid ad-hoc immediate responder groups: a work-in-progress. 
ISCRAM Proceedings21

Weibull, K., Lidestam, B., Holm, J., Prytz, E. (2024). Alternative Emergency Vehicle Lighting Affects Traffic Behaviors. In Proceedings of the 68th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Phoenix, AZ, Sep 9-13. 

Brodin, W., Prytz, E. & Jonson, CO. Samarbete i första hjälpen. Nationell katastrofmedicinsk konferens 2024, 10-11 oktober 2024.

Friberg, M., Jonson, CO. & Prytz, E. Medicinska lekmäns prioritering av skadade vid katastrofala blödningar. Nationell katastrofmedicinsk konferens 2024, 10-11 oktober 2024.

Holmgren, A., Ivarsson, C., Gower, C., Jonson, CO., Prytz, E. ”Börja nu” – Erfarenheter och lärdomar från MSB:s utbildningsinsats i Ukraina. Nationell katastrofmedicinsk konferens 2024, 10-11 oktober 2024.


Jenny Löfgren, Alphonsus Matovu, Thomas Ashley, Ann Gånfält, Andreas Wladis, Jessica Beard, Hannah Ashley, Filippa Lindén Bergman, Alex J. van Duinen, Michael Ohene-Yeboah.
Recruitment and follow up of study participants in surgery research in low resource settings.
BJS Academy, Surgical digest June 28, 2024.

Andreas Wladis. Krigets regler sätts ur spel. Kvartal, 9 september 2024.


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Peer-reviewed Articles

Lapidus O, Rubenson Wahlin R, Bäckström D.
Trauma patient transport to hospital using helicopter emergency medical services or road ambulance in Sweden: a comparison of survival and prehospital time intervals.
Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2023 Dec 16;31(1):101.
doi: 10.1186/s13049-023-01168-9

Weibull, K., Lidestam, B., & Prytz, E.
False Alarm Effects in Early Warnings for Emergency Vehicles: Exploring Drivers’ Move-Over Behavior. 
Human factors. Published online November 29.

Baş, Yağmur; Berglund, Linn; Niittylä, Totte; Zattarin, Elisa; Aili, Daniel; Sotra, Zeljana; Rinklake, Ivana; Junker, Johan; Rakar, Jonathan; Oksman, Kristiina.
Preparation and Characterization of Softwood and Hardwood Nanofibril Hydrogels and Their Potential Use as Wound Dressings.
2023, 24, 12, 5605–5619. Published November 11.  

Steins K, Goolsby C, Grönbäck AM, Charlton N, Anderson K, Dacuyan-Faucher N, Prytz E, Andersson Granberg T, Jonson CO.
Recommendations for Placement of Bleeding Control Kits in Public Spaces-A Simulation Study.
Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2023 Oct 19;17:e527. Published October 19.
doi: 10.1017/dmp.2023.190. 

Muhrbeck M, Egelko A, Haweizy RM, von Schreeb J, Älgå A.
Exploratory laparotomy during the battle of Mosul, 2016-2017: results from a tertiary civilian hospital in Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan.
BMC Emerg Med. 2023 Sep 23;23(1):113. Published September 23.
doi: 10.1186/s12873-023-00882-y.

Prytz, E., Norrblom, P., Pilemalm, S., Andersson Granberg, T. & Jonson, CO
What motivates and demotivates emergency response volunteers? A survey-based factor analysis study
Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 31, 38 (2023). Published August 12.

Ashley, T., Ashley, H.F., Wladis, A. et al.
Standardised Competency-Based Training of Medical Doctors and Associate Clinicians in Inguinal Repair with Mesh in Sierra Leone.
World Journal of Surgery 47, 2330–2337 (2023).

Strandqvist, E., Olheden, S., Bäckman, A., Jörnvall, H. & Bäckström, D.
Physician-staffed prehospital units: a retrospective follow-up from an urban area in Scandinavia.
International Journal of Emergency Medicine 16, 43 (2023). Published July 14.

Liselott Fornander, Kati Laukkanen, Ida Molin, Lena Nilsson & Peter Berggren
Team communication patterns during real and simulated trauma resuscitation—a social network analysis.
Ergonomics, 2023. Published online June 16.
DOI: 10.1080/00140139.2023.2221000

S.L. Wall, L. Velin, A. Abbas, N.L. Allorto, M. Graner, E. Moeller, M.F.D. Ryan-Coker, L. Pompermaier,
Who tells the story of burns in low-and-middle income countries? – A bibliometric study.
Burns, Volume 49, Issue 4, Pages 854-860. Published online June 1.

Wilhelm Brodin, Marc Friberg, Carl-Oscar Jonson, Erik Prytz,
The effect of cold hands on immediate responder’s tourniquet application ability: A within-group trial.
Human Factors in Healthcare, Volume 3, 2023, 100038. Published March 2.

Isabella Faria, Letícia Campos, Tayana Jean-Pierre, Abbie Naus, Ayla Gerk, Maria Luiza Cazumbá, Alexandra M. Buda, Mariana Graner, Carolina B. Moura, Alaska Pendleton, Laura Pompermaier, Paul Truche, Júlia Loyola Ferreira and Alexis N. Bowder.
Gender-Based Discrimination Among Medical Students: A Cross-Sectional Study in Brazil.
Journal of Surgical Research, Volume 283, Pages 102-109. Published March 1.

Olof Eskilson, Elisa Zattarin, Linn Berglund, Kristiina Oksman, Kristina Hanna, Jonathan Rakar, Petter Sivlér, Mårten Skog, Ivana Rinklake, Rozalin Shamasha, Zeljana Sotra, Annika Starkenberg, Magnus Odén, Emanuel Wiman, Hazem Khalaf, Torbjörn Bengtsson, Johan P.E. Junker, Robert Selegård, Emma M. Björk, Daniel Aili.
Nanocellulose composite wound dressings for real-time pH wound monitoring.
Materials Today Bio, 2023, 100574. Published online February 6.

Moura C, Bittencourt M, Cazumbá ML,…, Pompermaier L.
The Impact of COVID-19 on Burns: A Brazilian Study.
European Burn Journal. 2023; 4(1):1-8.

Conference proceedings

Jenny Pettersson; Carl-Oscar E Jonson; Marc Friberg; Anton Björnqvist; Peter Berggren; Erik Prytz. Critical decision-making in medical command and control during early Covid-19: an interview study. World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine (WADEM) International Congress, May 9-12th 2023.

Carl-Oscar E Jonson; Jenny Pettersson; Marc Friberg; Anton Björnqvist; Peter Berggren; Björn JE Johansson; Erik Prytz. Identifying core competences for medical command and control teams managing Covid-19. World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine (WADEM) International Congress, May 9-12th 2023.

Lukas Arkestål; Marc Friberg; Per Loftås; Erik Prytz; Carl-Oscar E Jonson; Johan PE Junker. Development and validation of a Repeatable Exsanguination Simulator Using Live Tissue (RESULT). World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine (WADEM) International Congress, May 9-12th 2023.

Wilhelm Brodin; Marc Friberg; Carl-Oscar E Jonson; Erik Prytz. The effect of different degrees of cold exposure on medical laypeople’s tourniquet application time and quality: a within-group trial. World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine (WADEM) International Congress, May 9-12th 2023.

Marc Friberg; Wilhelm Brodin; Carl-Oscar E Jonson; Erik Prytz. The Effects of Including Blood in First Aid Training on Confidence in Bleeding Control Ability and Intent to Aid. World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine (WADEM) International Congress, May 9-12th 2023.

Sara Ljungwald, Henrik Carlsson, Valbona Blaku, Henrik Lidberg, Ruhija Hodza-Beganovic, Peter Berggren. Train the Trainer for implementing treatment guidelines. World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine (WADEM) International Congress, May 9-12th 2023.

Henrik Carlsson, Sara Ljungwald, Henrik Lidberg, Ruhija Hodza-Beganovic, Peter Berggren. Using personal learning goals for participants in collaborative international health system project: Experiences from the Region Östergötland model. World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine (WADEM) International Congress, May 9-12th 2023.

Peter Berggren, Anton Björnqvist, Jenny Pettersson, Ruhija Hodza-Beganovic, Carl-Oscar Jonson. Learning from each other, improving medical command and control after the COVID-19 pandemic: Experiences from a Bosnian-Swedish collaboration. World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine (WADEM) International Congress, May 9-12th 2023.

Anton Björnqvist, Wilhelm Brodin, Marc Friberg and Peter Berggren. Identifying Teamwork Processes in a Medical Command and Control Team During the COVID-19 Pandemic. 20th Annual Global Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management ISCRAM 2023.

Alva Lindhagen, Anton Björnqvist and Peter Berggren. Supporting Instructors in Conducting Exercises. 20th Annual Global Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management ISCRAM 2023.

Peter Berggren, Björn Johansson, Tobias Ryrberg and Alva Lindhagen. Building capacity – conceptualizing Training of Trainers.20th Annual Global Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management ISCRAM 2023.

Co-chair workshop, Anton Björnqvist: Devising assessment and mitigation of systemic risks with strategy mapping with a participant group. 20th Annual Global Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management ISCRAM 2023.

Norrblom, P., Prytz, E., & Jonson, C.-O. (2023). Where and how do people search for medical emergency equipment in public buildings? Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 66th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2023.


Vetenskapliga artiklar

Click for larger image and to follow links; the journal icons are linked.

Larsson Alexander P, Rakar Jonathan, Kratz Gunnar, Junker Johan,
Amino acid buffered hypochlorite facilitates debridement of porcine infected burn wounds.
Burns, 2022. Published online December 6.

Barth CA, Wladis A, Roy N, Blake C, Kolo SM, O’Sullivan C.
Ways to improve surgical outcomes in low- and middle-income countries.
Bull World Health Organ. 2022 Nov 1;100(11):726–32. Published November 1.
doi: 10.2471/BLT.22.287950

Goolsby, Craig; Jonson, Carl-Oscar; Goralnick, Eric; Dacuyan-Faucher, Nicole; Schuler, Keke; Kothera, Curt ; Shah, Amit; Cannon, Jeremy; Prytz, Erik.
The Untrained Public’s Ability to Apply the Layperson Audiovisual Assist Tourniquet vs a Combat Application Tourniquet: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Journal of the American College of Surgeons: September 27, 2022 – Volume – Issue – 10.1097/XCS.0000000000000432. Published September 27.
doi: 10.1097/XCS.0000000000000432

Demonstration of the LAVA tourniquet

Craig Goolsby on the paper for JACS

Weibull K, Lidestam B, Prytz E.
Potential of Cooperative Intelligent Transport System Services to Mitigate Risk Factors Associated With Emergency Vehicle Accidents. 
Transportation Research Record. September 2022. Published September 5.

Hindorf M, Berggren P, Jonson CO, Lundberg L, Jonsson A.
Workload of Swedish Special Forces Operators Experienced During Stressful Simulation Training: A Pilot Study.
J Spec Oper Med. 2022 Aug 1:UDGU-Q4OW. Published August 1.
doi: 10.55460/UDGU-Q4OW

Yves Nezerwa, Elizabeth Miranda, Lotta Velin,…, Laura Pompermaier
Referral of Burn Patients in the Absence of Guidelines: A Rwandan Study.
Journal of Surgical Research VOLUME 278, P216-222, OCTOBER 01, 2022. Published May 25.

Graner M, Buda AM, Moura CB, … Pompermaier, L. .. et al.
Is authorship by women in Brazilian academic surgery increasing? A five-year retrospective analysis.

PLOS Glob Public Health 2(4): e0000294. Published April 24.

Haverkamp, F.J.C., van Leest, T.A.J., Muhrbeck, M., Hoencamp, R., Wladis, A & Tan, E. CHT.
Self-perceived preparedness and training needs of healthcare personnel on humanitarian mission: a pre- and post-deployment survey
World J Emerg Surg 17, 14 (2022). Published March 5.

Bäckström, D., Wladis, A.
A cohort study of trauma patients in Sweden during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic: a small reduction in trauma admissions. 
Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 30, 12 (2022). Published February 19.

Spreco, A., Jöud, A., Eriksson, O., Soltesz, K., Källström, R., Dahlström, Ö., Eriksson, H., Ekberg, J., Jonson, C.-O., Fraenkel, C.-J., Lundh, T., Gerlee, P., Gustafsson, F., & Timpka, T.
Nowcasting (Short-Term Forecasting) of COVID-19 Hospitalizations Using Syndromic Healthcare Data, Sweden, 2020.
Emerging Infectious Diseases (2022) 28(3). Published January 31.

Maria Luíza Barreto Cazumbá, Alexandra M Buda, Marcela M Bittencourt, Carolina Moura, Paula Braga, Alexis N Bowder, Daniel Scott Corlew, Fabio Botelho, Lucas Magalhães, Laura Pompermaier.
The Use of Alcohol as a Disinfectant During the Pandemic and Flame Burns: A Brazilian Study
Journal of Burn Care & Research, 2022. Published January 28.

Ajiko, M.M., Weidman, V., Nordin, P., Wladis, A., Löfgren, J.
Prevalence of Paediatric Surgical Conditions in Eastern Uganda: A Cross-Sectional Study. 
World J Surg (2022). Published Jan 1.


Velin L, Van Daalen K, Guinto R, et al.
Global health educational trips: ethical, equitable, environmental?
BMJ Global Health 2022;7:e008497. Published April 22.

Lotta Velin, Adriana C. Panayi, Iris Lebbe, Emmanuelle Koehl, Gauthier Willemse, Dominique Vervoort.
Global surgery education in Europe: a landscape analysis
BJS Open, Volume 6, Issue 1, February 2022, zrac001. Published February 2.

Conference proceedings

Björnqvist, A., Friberg, M., Jonson, C.-O., Pettersson, J., & Berggren, P. (2022). An Analysis of a Swedish Medical Command and Control System’s Situation Reports from the COVID-19 Pandemic. ISCRAM2022.

Lindhagen, A., Björnqvist, A., & Berggren, P. (2022). A meta-evaluation of Swedish evaluations of COVID-19 pandemic management. ISCRAM2022.

Brodin, W., Friberg, M., Jonson, C.-O., & Prytz, E. (n.d.). The effect of presence of blood on medical laypeople’s ability to perform first aid for massive bleeding. 66th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, HFES.

Book chapters

Gustavsson, E. & Kåreklint L. (2022). Prioriteringar inför händelse av kris och krig. I I rättvisans tjänst.
Lars Sandman (red). Prioriteringscentrum. Linköpings universitet.

