
The Center for Disaster Medicine and Traumatology

National Research Center for Traumatology assigned by the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare

Performance under stress

The research effort “Stop the Bleed” includes several research projects that all aim to improve society’s response to traumatic bleedings.

Several projects are ongoing within the area and are performed in collaboration with Mayo Clinic, Uniformed Services University, National Center for Disaster Medicine & Public Health and Harvard in the US.

The aim of the project is to investigate how well individuals who have undergone training for pre-hospital bleeding control can perform and apply the acquired knowledge in challenging and stressful situations.

The project seeks to answer the following specific questions:

  • How is the performance of civilian laypersons affected by acute stress when performing lifesaving first aid actions?
  • How are professional, civilian rescue personnel affected under the same conditions?

The study is based on previous work by Schreckengaust et al. (2018), who claims that stress has a negative impact on performing pre-hospital bleeding control actions in a military population. The project aims to replicate the study for validation and for generalization of the results in a civilian population of laypersons and professionals.


Friberg M, Jonson C-O, Jaeger V, Prytz E.
The Effects of Stress on Tourniquet Application and CPR Performance in Layperson and Professional Civilian Populations. 
Human factors. May 27, 2021.
